Howdy, Elliot here. So I was doing some snooping around and it occurred to me that I have some catching up to do. By the time Gavin was this age he had already taken the reins from mom and was updating you himself. I certainly can't let him keep updating on my behalf. So I think we've worked out a deal: we're going to take turns. We may mention a thing or two about the other, but we will be responsible for our own updates. So here goes:
I'm almost 3 months old and we have no idea how much I weigh or my official length because tho we live mere miles from Houston's world class medical center (home to umpteen hospitals, clinics, specialists, experts, etc.), we don't have doctor yet. Hhhh! Someone must have their priorities all goofy...or else we have been blessed with exceptionally good heath and it hasn't been an issue. Hmm. Anyway, aside from good health, I laugh--a lot. (Hey! Maybe they are connected.) No really, I laugh at the drop of a hat or a little tickle to the ribs, or a big grin from daddy or the removal of a sleeve. Okay, that sounds weird, but that's really one of the silliest things out there: getting undressed. And it's not the nude factor either, it's really the action of having my arm pried out of my sleeve; it's a hoot! Anyway, I have a pretty deep voice and chuckling charms mommy instantaneously. I really like bath time too which is progress because I hated the first couple (probably because the water was chilly; winter is a great time to use warm water for baths). Okay, so maybe I do like having my clothes off; what boy doesn't??
So we've been to the zoo here a couple times. Mom bought a membership. I pretty much sleep the whole time except for when the chimpanzees wake me up. Yes, I was talking about the ones in the cages. Mom & Gavin are loud and feel the need to talk about every living, breathing thing in the zoo, but they usually keep it reasonable. The chimps, on the other hand, are very rude. Of course Gav thinks that is super cool, so we have to go see them.
Looks like I'm going to be a thumb sucker eventually in spite of mom's best efforts to prevent it. I will not be deterred from the thumb! I might just be teething and that is the only thing to chew on, but if so, mom is in denial about that. We shall see. I also may keep my brown coiffure. Mom is skeptical since the brown would be from her side and even she was blond as a little girl. Of course she has no problem taking credit for my long dark eyelashes.
Well, I'd better go. I need to give mommy some attention and Gavin will be up from his nap soon. I'm sure he'll shout "Elliot's awake" in my face a few times and then go on and to do whatever it is that he does (he's very into playdough right now even tho it is a 3+ years toy). I think he's waiting for me to talk back before he decides to say something new to me. --It's going to be a long year unless I learn some baby signs!!
Let me (us) hear from you! Mom always enjoys getting updated from all of you!
PS: Try that sleeve thing and let me know if you thing it's as hilarious as I do.